Thursday nights are better at La Foresta!

Wandering towards the shoreline of CT is a summer pastime not to be missed.  And one of my new favorite loops involves a glass of wine at the simply gorgeous Charmard Vineyard (more to follow on that shortly!) followed by a romantic dinner at La Foresta.

What do you need to know about La Foresta?  It’s off the beaten path but worth it.  Nestled in the countryside, a converted barn full of original art, rare wine, and superb Italian cuisine awaits you.  If you’d like to taste and preview a guided tour of their wine list, I recommend the three course dinner I recently enjoyed – which is available every Thursday after 2:30 pm.  View the menu here.  I actually dined solo, which is one of my favorite ways to really enjoy the flavors and pairings of food.  But by all means, bring a date, or a couple friends.  It’s a good vibe no matter what you choose.

With wine balanced perfectly to compliment the food (my favorite was the prosecco!) and perfectly executed versions of some of my favorite dishes… well… I really enjoyed myself.  Let’s leave it at that.  And I’ll be back soon, and you should too.  Say hi to owner Francesco if you see him, and congratulate him on three years in business, as well as a second year in a row winning the prestigious Wine Spectator award!

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